Amazon - High Capacity USB Portable Charger Power Pack

Four Essential Gadgets For The Stealth Traveler

The feeling of getting away.  Trekking somewhere exotic.  Visit unknown places.  Learn new culture.

There is always a flair of  traveling.  It’s like adventure or something to look forward to.

It just makes you happy thinking about it.  Then, it’s exciting after planning out your most needed vacation.

You just can’t wait.

I’m one of those guys who just go.  Enjoy my time.  Play it low.

I don’t need anyone to tell me where to go and when we need to meet.  I prefer to quality over quantity.

If I like something, I will just stay a little longer and enjoy it.  If not, I just move on to the next destination.

But, just to get around, here are some gadgets you should have to get around and keep your travel enjoyable.


1.  Portable Vehicle GPS Tracking Device

Amazon - Portable Vehicle GPS Tracking Device
Amazon – Portable Vehicle GPS Tracking Device

This GPS is awesome when you’re on the road.   The GPS is just essential to get where you want to go without getting lost.

The map guidance is clear so you can get to your destination with no trouble.  It tell you what lane you need to be, and the details are relevant and timely.  It displays the speed limit and accurately predicts the arrival time.

It just makes your drive more pleasurable and with no anxiety.

It has free lifetime map updates with easy to find addresses and millions of points of interest.

This is a great investment on your next trip.

Buy Portable Vehicle GPS Tracking Device Now!





2.  Reliable Handheld GPS Navigator

Amazon - Reliable Handheld GPS Navigator
Amazon – Reliable Handheld GPS Navigator

This is a favorite for the outdoor aficionado… especially for the hikers, hunters and geocacher!

It’s nice size and lightweight. With hi-color screen, it allos BirdsEye maps to get a more realistic terrain look.

It has a barometric altimeter and compass.  Add a wide array of detailed topographic, marine, and road maps, and start mapping out your next adventure.

It operates in a breeze – indoors and outdoors.  The five buttons on either side is within easy reach.  The bright orange case and included lanyard makes it tough to lose.  Plus, it’s waterproof.  It can take an accidental splash or dunk in the water and still continue to perform.

You will be thrilled using this unit!

Buy Reliable Handheld GPS Navigator Now!



3.  High Capacity USB Portable Charger Power Pack

Amazon - High Capacity USB Portable Charger Power Pack
Amazon – High Capacity USB Portable Charger Power Pack

A reliable and easy way to charge your phone when traveling… especially if you are caught in a long flight!

External power packs are the most versatile and convenient solution for mobile devices.

Always keep one with you.  The unit’s size is compact to carry around and small enough to slip in a briefcase, backpack or purse.

Instead of having to carry several different chargers, you only need this one.

The retractable cord makes it easy to hook up your device without any strain on the connection.

It has an indicator light to see the amount of remaining charge.  The unit will let you know the progress while charging your device.

Buy High Capacity USB Portable Charger Power Pack Now!


4.  Portable Universal Adapter Travel Converter

Amazon - Portable Universal Adapter Travel Converter
Amazon – Portable Universal Adapter Travel Converter

Charge your U.S. devices overseas!  Your mobile devices, your laptop and even your electric toothbrush will keep on working.

Remember, some countries uses 220 volts while the U.S. uses 110 volts.  The plugs can be very different.  If you plug in your device in a different country’s outlet, you risk burning or shorting your electronic device.

There are some bulky and heavy converter out there.  But, this one is travel size and light.  It even has 3 outlets and 4 USB charging ports… so you can charge several devices simultaneously.

It also comes with 3 different plug adapters for different countries.

Before you go overseas, remember to get this travel converter.

Buy Portable Universal Adapter Travel Converter Now!